Hazlett Consulting offers a wide variety of services for startups as well as large established nonprofit organizations. By far, prospect research is our most requested service.
Whether your title is Executive Director, Director of Advancement, Director of Development, Director of Major Gifts, Director of External Partnerships or anything similar, it all boils down to one responsibility -- you need to raise money. And probably lots of it! But how much time do you actually spend raising money vs. managing administrative details?
The reality is that identifying prospects is not the biggest challenge that most fundraising offices face today. Instead, the biggest challenge is determining how to cultivate those prospects to achieve your goals. If done effectively, prospect research has the potential to substantially improve your fundraising efforts.
Prospect research is time consuming, and the opportunity costs are significant.
We have been in your shoes and understand the overwhelming task of identifying the best prospects and how to begin cultivating them. Our focus is to help you determine the lifetime value of a donor by researching his/her wealth, net worth, interests, charitable giving, current gift capacity and inclination to support your organization. We will leverage our experience and work closely alongside with you to provide comprehensive prospect research.
Want to spend more time actually cultivating relationships with the right prospects?
Contact us today for more information.